The Strength of Experience, the Courage of Innovation
The power of wellness within the company. Kolzer: a compelling story about the courage to do business where the human development process is strategic. Company humanism; The conduct in the company; Valorization of human resources; The employment relationship. Companies often rely on cutting staff or reducing the investment in R&D, but Kolzer attitude is different: qualified personnel can not be touched, on the contrary, with innovation, is the trump card for achieving new goals.
The investment on studies and technological research, the role of human resources and effort in training, are the company’s strengths to compete in national and international markets.
Kolzer combines traditional craftsmanship and innovation, not distributing dividends but reinvesting profits in the business. “We seek opportunities in new markets and diversify into new products. Retaining talent and desire for independence” said Mr. Antonio D'Esposito, responsible of new international projects.